Nov 4, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
For people on meth, the signs of meth use can vary wildly from person to person. This is because addiction is a highly personal disease. How it develops depends largely on the individual, their mental health, and genetic factors. And unfortunately, this variety can...
Oct 19, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
When a person struggling with chronic or long-term alcohol abuse quits drinking, they often experience alcohol tremors—uncontrollable shaking, usually in the hands. These alcohol tremors are also known as alcohol shakes. And a problem in the area of the brain that...
Sep 13, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Most people have, at some point in their lives, had too much to drink one night, and woken up the next day with a pounding head full of regret. Hangovers are so common that we can find references going back to the first century CE—Pliny the Elder prescribed two owl...
Aug 23, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Addiction is an complex disorder that centers around compulsive behaviors. In general, the addiction definition is about a strong desire to do an activity that you know is harmful. The most obvious addictions are substance abuse, like alcohol addiction or drug...
Jul 18, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Some people who take Chantix to stop smoking cigarettes have reported that this prescription medication actually assists with lowering the amount of alcohol they’re able (and that they desire) to drink. For people with an alcohol use disorder, combining Chantix and...
May 17, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
“Upper drugs” is a drug slang term that refers to drugs that act as central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. Also referred to as speed, stimulants can be both legal and illicitly made. While there are legitimate uses for stimulant drugs, most uppers carry...
Apr 5, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Many people are familiar with the effects that alcohol can have on things like the brain and liver, but studies show that the consequences of drinking can actually impact your eyesight as well. The term “alcoholic eyes” refers to the ways in which your...
Mar 29, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Having an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol brings a variety of different risks into your life, and meth is no different. Did you know that one of the most significant dangers of meth is the chances of experiencing meth psychosis? Like the name suggests, this is a...
Mar 8, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Drug paraphernalia is a strong indicator of drug use, and thanks to the internet, it is more available than ever. Knowing what to look for could be the difference between stopping a drug habit before it starts and a full blown addiction. Learn how to recognize drug...