Oct 26, 2023 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Picture someone you care about at a music festival. The atmosphere is electric, the crowd pulsating to the beat. They’re offered a substance known commonly as MDMA, Molly, or Ecstasy. As someone who cares about their well-being, you can’t help but wonder:...
Feb 21, 2022 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
When problems arise and stress is heightened, drinking to forget your troubles can be appealing. However, when you lean on alcohol to alleviate discomfort, you’re replacing healthy coping mechanisms with a pattern of drinking. When this occurs, drinking to forget...
Sep 13, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Most people have, at some point in their lives, had too much to drink one night, and woken up the next day with a pounding head full of regret. Hangovers are so common that we can find references going back to the first century CE—Pliny the Elder prescribed two owl...
Aug 23, 2021 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Addiction is an complex disorder that centers around compulsive behaviors. In general, the addiction definition is about a strong desire to do an activity that you know is harmful. The most obvious addictions are substance abuse, like alcohol addiction or drug...
Mar 20, 2020 | Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News
Orlando and the surrounding area is brimming with college students gaining knowledge and learning about the world, as well as themselves. However, not all experiences in college are good or good for you. Bright young minds can fall victim to addiction when placed in...