Rehab, Recovery and Behavioral Health News

The Link Between Domestic Violence and Addiction

Domestic violence and addiction are undeniably connected. Nearly in 1 in 5 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe violence from an intimate partner during their lives.  In so many of these cases, substance abuse plays a driving role in the abusive behavior....

The Link Between Domestic Violence and Addiction

5 Fundamental Qualities to Look for in a Sponsor

If you are at the beginning of your recovery journey, one of your greatest assets is a good sponsor. Your sponsor, who is most likely a part of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), can bring you one step closer to a lasting recovery. Consider...

5 Fundamental Qualities to Look for in a Sponsor

How Alcoholism Can Impact Family Dynamics

Alcoholism in the family is often tied to dysfunctional relationships and unhealthy home environments. It can affect the way families communicate and spend time together. It can also impact the way children develop. Let's look at some of these situations as well as...

How Alcoholism Can Impact Family Dynamics

The Link Between Social Media and Drug Addiction

Is There a Link Between Social Media and Drug Addiction? Social media is inescapable in today’s world. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and multiple other platforms promote a constant connection with friends and family. When you’re in recovery, social media may not...

link between social media and drug addiction

How to Manage Anxiety in Recovery: 4 Essential Tips

Anxiety is fear. Our hearts race, our palms sweat and ours bodies release extra stress hormones. No matter how irrational our fear seems to others, it doesn't change our very real struggle with anxiety. When drugs and alcohol are involved, it adds another layer to...

How to Manage Anxiety in Recovery: 4 Essential Tips

This is Why Addicts Lie

If you’ve ever loved an addict, you know it is one of the most heartbreaking things you’ll ever face. People who struggle with drugs and alcohol often say just about anything to explain away their addiction. Eventually, you discover the constant manipulation, but...

This is Why Addicts Lie

Look What We’ve Become

We’re revolutionizing our level of service! To that end, we're excited to announce that the Darryl Strawberry Recovery Center has become The Blackberry Recovery Center. As a recovery center of central Florida, The Blackberry Recovery Center will become a...

Look What We've Become
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