Drug Detox at Blackberry
When it comes to drug detox, the particulars of treatment vary greatly from person to person. The right drug detox program will take into account your history of drug use, drug(s) of choice, and your history with relapses. Because the drug detox treatments for heroin, prescription opioids, and benzodiazepines all differ, our physicians and recovery specialists tailor each drug detox program to meet the patient’s unique needs. It’s no secret that long-term drug abuse can devastate an individual’s body and mind. And when your body enters drug withdrawals, your situation may become even more precarious. Depending on the drug used and the amount taken, there may even be life-threatening symptoms like strokes, seizures, and cardiac arrest. So how can you quit drugs while staying safe?
How Florida Drug Detox Centers Help People

Drug Detox at Blackberry Center
The Key to Medically Supervised Drug Detox
The key to medically supervised drug detox is keeping you safe and preventing relapse during drug withdrawals. One of the ways that our medical staff accomplish this goal is by careful medication management. This may include temporarily administering medication to alleviate your withdrawal symptoms. While there is no way to totally eliminate the effects of drug withdrawals, case-by-case medication management can help you avoid the worst of withdrawals while staying in a safe, comfortable environment. When quitting drugs cold turkey at home, the withdrawal symptoms may be so severe that you feel you have no choice but to take drugs. This is understandable, considering that drug withdrawals often last several days for long-term users who are trying to quit. Thankfully, a medically supervised detox protects you from this danger by minimizing your symptoms and placing you in a location where you cannot access recreational drugs. When you start to recover from long-term drug abuse and addiction, it’s vital that you get the best start possible. That is the quality of care that we provide at The Blackberry Center, and that is what will make all the difference as you finally beat your drug addiction for good.
For Patients Suffering from Opioid Withdrawals
For patients suffering from opioid withdrawals, they may benefit from our medication assisted treatment. In certain cases, our physicians may prescribe Subutex (buprenorphine) to help individuals safely detox from heroin or prescription opioids. This treatment option is provided selectively and with the utmost regard for patient well-being. In short, both the patient’s physical health and their addiction recovery are carefully considered before our health care providers write any prescriptions.
Following Our Drug Detox Program
Following our drug detox program, you will likely want to transition into our dual diagnosis program for co-occurring addiction and mental health issues, or our partial hospitalization program that serves as a less intensive alternative or a step-down from inpatient care. Detox alleviates your body’s dependence on drugs, but the key to long-term recovery lies in addressing the underlying mental causes of addiction. At our addiction recovery center in central Florida, we will help you work through your drug addiction by treating the mental health issues that led to your addiction. That is the difference we make, and that is what we want to do for you.
Our St. Cloud, Florida (34769) Alcohol and Drug Rehab Facility
Frequently Asked Questions
Family involvement is an integral component of an effective drug treatment program. In many cases, the difference between long-term sobriety and relapse is the ability of a recovering individual’s loved ones to offer the necessary support (and to make the necessary changes) to promote healthy living. Though every recovery experience is unique and personal, most effective treatment programs will encourage strong family involvement in the recovery and aftercare process.
The use of medications during rehab depends upon the needs of the client. The Blackberry Center provides medically supervised detox services.
Because addiction recovery often involves the treatment of co-occurring disorders such as depression or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, certain medications may be prescribed to treat these conditions during rehab.
However, you will never be forced to take any medications that you do not want to take. When you enter rehab, you do not give up your rights as a person or a patient, in fact, one of the primary objectives of effective rehab programs is to allow you to take greater control over your life.
Drug rehab treatment can vary from a few days to months. Research shows that the longer a person remains in treatment, the greater the likelihood that long-term sobriety will result. As with most aspects of treatment (such as therapy types and program structures), determining ideal length of stay involves an analysis of a number of personal factors.
What Our Patients Have to Say
Your Lifelong Recovery Starts Now
If you are ready to break the endless cycle of quitting and relapsing, it’s time to enroll in a drug detox program. And our admissions specialists are ready to help you. You can call our compassionate staff at 888-512-9802 or fill out a confidential contact form. Whether this is your first time quitting or your 50th, we want to help make sure that this is the last attempt that sets you on the path for long-term recovery. Reach out today to begin your recovery journey.